Geographies of Digital Divide
Geographies of Digital Divide: A data-driven approach to understanding structural determinants of digital inequalities is a project funded by the John Fell Fund and is led by Dr Adam Mahdi (Principal Investigator) with Prof Samantha Vanderslott and Prof Ekaterina Hertog (Co-Investigators). It addresses one of the key needs of preparing databases and data visualisation tools for research to understand the effects of local contexts, including policies that regulate digital technologies, technology acceptance and adoption by different social groups in sub-national regions and countries in Europe.
This persistent variation represents some of the key challenges in human-technology interactions and is often referred to as the digital divide. The proposed database will allow an easy investigation of the correlations between technology acceptance and technology adoption, as well as individual and structural factors. The availability of such a database will be of use to other researchers and policymakers as a resource on the determinants of the digital divide, for which we will aim to raise awareness of the database through information-sharing events and a policy briefing workshop.
See website for further details.