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Page containing publications by The Vaccines and Society Unit (VAS)

The collective voice of early phase COVID-19 vaccine trial participants: Insights for improving confidence in novel vaccines. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics19 (1)

Thomas, T. M., Hodgson, S. H., Emary, K., Patrick-Smith, M., te Water Naude, R., Stuart, A.S., Henry, J., English, M., Moore, M., Douglas, N. and Pollard, A.J. Vanderslott, S. (2023). 

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Typhoid Control in an Era of Antimicrobial Resistance: Challenges and Opportunities. In Open Forum Infectious Diseases (Vol. 10, No. Supplement_1, pp. S47-S52). US: Oxford University Press.

Vanderslott, S., Kumar, S., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Qadri, F., & Zellweger, R. M. (2023, May).

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Comparing vaccine injury compensation schemes. Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law31(1), pp.75-118.

Fairgrieve, D., Borghetti, J.S., Dahan, S., Goldberg, R., Halabi, S., Holm, S., Howells, G., Kirchhelle, C., Pillay, A., Rajneri, E. Rizzi, M. Sintes, M., Vanderslott, S., Witzleb. N. (2023).

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“Institutionalised Ignorance in Policy and Regulation,” Science As Culture. 31(4): 419–32

Paul, K.T., S. Vanderslott, and M. Gross (2022)

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Between paternalism and illegality: a longitudinal analysis of the role and condition of manual scavengers in India. BMJ Global Health7 (7)

Saldanha, S., Kirchhelle, C., Webster, E., Vanderslott, S. and Vaz, M., 2022

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Attributing public ignorance in vaccination narratives. Social Science & Medicine, 115152

Vanderslott, S., Enria, L., Bowmer, A., Kamara, A., & Lees, S. (2022)

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Addressing vaccine inequities among Ukrainian refugees. The Lancet Infectious Diseases22(7), 935-936

Hill, M., Vanderslott, S., Volokha, A., & Pollard, A. J. (2022)

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Methodological and ethical considerations when conducting qualitative interview research with healthcare professionals: reflections and recommendations as a result of a pandemic. International Journal of Qualitative Methods21

Pilbeam, C., Anthierens, S., Vanderslott, S., Tonkin-Crine, S., & Wanat, M. (2022)

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Healthcare workers’ perceptions and attitudes towards the UK’s COVID-19 vaccination programme: a rapid qualitative appraisal. BMJ open, 12 (2)

Manby, L., Dowrick, A., Karia, A., Maio, L., Buck, C., Singleton, G., Lewis-Jackson, S., Uddin, I., Vanderslott, S., et al. (2022)

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Co-producing Human and Animal Experimental Subjects: Exploring the Views of UK COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Participants on Animal Testing. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 0 (0)

Vanderslott, S., Palmer, A., Thomas, T., Greenhough, B., Stuart, A., Henry, J. A., English, M., Naude, R. de W., Patrick-Smith, M., Douglas, N., Moore, M., Hodgson, S. H., Emary, K. R. W., & Pollard, A. J. (2021)

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“Any idea how fast ‘It’s just a mask!’can turn into ‘It’s just a vaccine!’”: From mask mandates to vaccine mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccine 40.51 (2022): 7488-7499

Martin, S., and Vanderslott, S. (2021)

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Re‐ordering connections: UK healthcare workers’ experiences of emotion management during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Sociology of Health & Illness

Dowrick, A., Mitchinson, L., Hoernke, K., Mulachy Symmons, S., Cooper, S., Martin, S., Vanderslott, S., Vera San Juan, N. and Vindrola‐Padros, C., (2021)

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Unclear conclusions on SARS-CoV-2 elimination versus mitigation–Authors’ reply. The Lancet, 398(10311), 1566-1567

Oliu-Barton, M., Pradelski, B. S., Aghion, P., Artus, P., Kickbusch, I., Lazarus, J. V., and Vanderslott, S. (2021)

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Vaccine nationalism and internationalism: perspectives of COVID-19 vaccine trial participants in the United Kingdom. BMJ Glob Health. Oct;6(10):e006305

Vanderslott S., Emary K, Te Water Naude R, English M, Thomas T, Patrick-Smith M, Henry J, Douglas N, Moore M, Stuart A, Hodgson SH, Pollard AJ. (2021)

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Australian social media sentiment data and domestic violence during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR); 23 (10): e29025

Usher, K. Durkin, J. Martin, S. Vanderslott, S. Vindrola-Padros, C. Usher, L. and Jackson, D. (2021)

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Lessons about COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among minority ethnic people in the UK. The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

Kadambari, S. and Vanderslott, S. (2021)

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Charting mandatory childhood vaccination policies worldwide. Vaccine. 39: 30

Vanderslott, S. & Marks, T. (2021)

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SARS-CoV-2 elimination, not mitigation, creates best outcomes for health, the economy, and civil liberties The Lancet April 28

Oliu-Barton, M. Pradelski, B. Aghion, P. Artus, P. Kickbusch, I. Lazarus, J. Sridhar, D. and Vanderslott, S. (2021)

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Injection fears and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. Psychological Medicine. 1-11

Freeman, D. Lambe, S, Yu, LM. Freeman, J. Chadwick, A. Vaccari, C. Waite, F. Rosebrock, L. Petit, A. Vanderslott, S. et al. (2021)

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Effects of different types of written vaccination information on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the UK (OCEANS-III): a single-blind, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Public Health

Freeman, D., Loe, B.S., Yu, L.M., Freeman, J., Chadwick, A., Vaccari, C., Shanyinde, M., Harris, V., Waite, F., Rosebrock, L. Petit, A., Vanderslott, S. et al (2021)

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How can community engagement in health research be strengthened for infectious disease outbreaks in Sub-Saharan Africa? A scoping review of the literature. BMC Public Health 21, 633

Vanderslott, S. Van Ryneveld, M. Marchant, M. et al. (2021)

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MMR Vaccine Attitude and Uptake Research in the United Kingdom: A Critical Review Vaccines 9, no. 4: 402

Torracinta, L. Tanner, R. Vanderslott, S. (2021)

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“Online Social Endorsement and Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the United Kingdom.” Social Media + Society 7 (2): 205630512110088.

Chadwick, A. Kaiser, J. Vaccari, C. Freeman, D. Lambe, S. Loe, B. Vanderslott, S. et al. (2021)

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Missing the Human Connection: A Rapid Appraisal of Healthcare Workers’ Perceptions and Experiences of Providing Palliative Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Palliative Medicine, March, 026921632110042

Mitchinson, L. Dowrick, A. Buck, C. Hoernke, K. Martin, S. Vanderslott, S. et al. (2021)

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In favour of a bespoke COVID-19 vaccines compensation scheme, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, ISSN 1473-3099

Fairgrieve, D. Holm, S. Howells G. Kirchhelle, C. Vanderslott, S. (2021)

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Frontline healthcare workers’ experiences with personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: a rapid qualitative appraisal. BMJ Open 2021;11:e046199

Torracinta, L. Tanner, R. Vanderslott, S. (2021)

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Editorial: The Need for Harmonised International Guidelines ahead of COVID-19 Human Infection Studies. Public Health Rev. 42:1603962

Kirchhelle, C. and Vanderslott, S. (2021)

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Vaccine entry requirements as a disease control measure: Lessons from yellow fever. Global Public Health

Vanderslott, S. and Marks, T. (2020)

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COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the UK: The Oxford Coronavirus Explanations, Attitudes, and Narratives Survey (OCEANS) II. Psychological Medicine, 1-34

Freeman, D. Loe, B. Chadwick, A. Vaccari, C. Waite, F. Rosebrock, L. Jenner, L. Petit, A.  Lewandowsky, S. Vanderslott, S. et al. (2020)

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‘Development of vaccines at the time of Covid-19’ microLife. uqaa003

Almond, J. Hacker, J. Harwood, C. Pizza, M. Rappouli, R. Ron, E. Sansonetti, P. Vanderslott, S. Wieler, L.

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Health diplomacy across borders: the case of yellow fever and COVID-19. Journal of Travel Medicine. taaa112

Vanderslott, S. and Marks, T. (2020)

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Carrying Out Rapid Qualitative Research During a Pandemic: Emerging Lessons From COVID-19. Qualitative Health Research. August: 104973232095152

Vindrola-Padros, C. Chisnall, G. Cooper, S. Djellouli, N. Dowrick, A. Martin, S. Singleton, G. Symmons, S. Vanderslott, S. et al. (2020)

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Perceptions and experiences of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, BMJ Open. 10: e040503

Vindrola-Padros, C. Andrews, L. Dowrick, A. Djellouli, N. Fillmore, H. Bautista Gonzalez, E.  Javadi, D. Lewis-Jackson, S. Manby, L. Mitchinson, L. Symmons, S. Martin, S. Regenold, N. Robinson, N. Sumray, K. Singleton, G. Syversen, A. Vanderslott, S. et al. (2020)

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Neglected Tropical Diseases. Nature & Culture. 15(1):78-110

Vanderslott, S. (2020)

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Dynamics of conflict during the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2018–2019. BMC Medicine. 18(1):113

Kraemer, MUG. Pigott, DM. Hill, SC. Vanderslott, S. et al. (2020)

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Nudging immunity: the case for vaccinating children in school and day care by default. HEC Forum

Giubilini, A., Caviola, L., Maslen, H., Douglas, T., Nussberger, A.-M., Faber, N. S., Vanderslott, S. Loving, S., Harrison, M., & Savulescu, J. (2019)

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Exploring the meaning of pro-vaccine activism across two countries. Social Science & Medicine. 222, 59–66

Vanderslott, S. (2019)

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Motivations for paediatric vaccine trial participation. Trials24(1), 574

 Hillson, K., Kantor, J., Pinto, M. V., Pollard, A. J., Kelly, D., Vanderslott, S., & AWARE clinical trial team. (2023).

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